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Many problem behaviours can be difficult to put right and, in some cases, never completely go away no matter what you do or how much training is done. You should consider working with a qualified and highly experienced behaviourist (see " What is a behaviourist") like Susan for more complex or severe problems. The good news is that when owners combine good management skills with focused training, the situation can often be brought under control and make living with a difficult dog much less stressful. These are some of the problem behaviours Susan can help you with:

  • Separation distress and sepaaion anxiety
  • Hyper-bonding
  • Pulling on the lead
  • Aggression towards other dogs
  • Aggression towards people
  • Generalised anxiety
  • Barking
  • Destructive behaviours
  • Eating faeces (coprophagia)
  • Pica
  • Guarding - food, toys, places, people
  • Growling
  • Handling and grooming difficulties
  • House training
  • Hyperactivity / excitability
  • Manipulative behaviours
  • Multi-dog household problems
  • Nervousness
  • Noise phobias (for example traffic, fireworks)
  • Reactivity
  • Submissive urination
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Susan also carries out BEHAVIOUR ASSESSMENTS. This may require the dog to be seen by a vet beforehand to ensure that there are no medical reasons for difficult and unacceptable behaviours. The assessments are extensive and in-depth, take approximately two hours to carry out and are followed up by a comprehensive written report. As well as diagnostics the report will include recommendations for remedial training. 

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